Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Bamboo free essay sample
Bamboo is really and evergreen plant, and an individual from the genuine grass family Phocaea. It is the quickest developing woody lasting on earth, and a portion of the mammoth species can grow up to four feet for every day! It is found on almost every landmass on the planet, and has a wide scope of valuable applications. Bamboo items are utilized widely in the cutting edge world, and its use has been developing quickly as of late. It is an effectively inexhaustible asset and its development is gainful to the earth. A bamboo forest makes multiple times more bio-material than a regular pine timberland, making it helpful to nature. Bamboo is genuinely a stunning plant, and gives extraordinary advantages to our planet. There is right now more than 1,000 knownâ bamboo species, and 91 genera. The bamboo family is different and can develop in a wide scope of atmospheres and conditions. Bamboo can be discovered developing neglected high elevation heaps of Tibet, and in the warm desert atmospheres of sub-Saharan Africa. Sizes, shapes, hues, and practices of bamboo can likewise fluctuate essentially. The plant can develop as short as two or three inches, to as tall as 100 or more feet and 8 crawls in distance across. Shades of bamboo sticks are commonly splendid green, yet can likewise be dark black, or even striped. The differing of appearances settles on them a thought decision for fancy and finishing purposes. Bamboo is a staple of the Japanese nursery and an image of Japanese culture. The social essentialness of Bamboo in Asian culture is significant and has been all around reported in the history books. Truth be told, Bamboo was really utilized as the composing medium in old Chinese writing. Recorders would compose on bamboo supports, which are referred to in the United States as bamboo scrolls. A significant part of the historical backdrop of China has been report along these lines, and without bamboo a lot of it might have been lost. Bamboos are woody stemmed individuals from the grass family, Poeceae, which have a place with the family Bambusoideae. All individuals from the subfamily can be recognized from different grasses by foliage leaf sharp edges which are joined to their branch lets by slim leaf stalks or petioles. Different grasses like corn and sugar stick have leaves without petioles. The Culms Like all grasses the bamboos have stems or culms which are sectioned by oints called hubs. Bamboo hubs are consistently strong yet between the hubs, the internodes of the culm are normally empty. A gathering of culms becoming almost each other are typically associated together underground by portioned stems called rhizomes to shape a solitary plant. The roots develop f rom the hubs of the rhizomes. The rhizomes fill in as a storage facility of nourishment for the bamboo plant permitting new culms to become quickly. Every culm develops to its full tallness in a stupendous time of development which as a rule takes no longer than 2 or 3 months. From that point, despite the fact that it might live for as long as 10 years, the culm doesn't increment in tallness or distance across. A plant with little rhizomes can deliver just little culms. Under positive conditions the rhizomes will increment in size and produce bigger culms every year until the breaking point for that specific species is reached. The most seasoned culms are in this manner frequently the littlest and the most youthful the biggest. Bamboo Culms or Canes The Rhizomes There are two essential sorts of bamboos, the clampers and the sprinters. The culms of a clustering animal categories develop near each other as a rule close to a foot separated. While the culms of a sprinter are frequently dispersed far separated. Up to 10 ft. or on the other hand more. The dividing of the culms is normal for every species and relies upon the idea of the rhizomes. McClure first utilized the terms symposia and monopodia to portray c1umpers and sprinters. Sympodial alludes to the expanding propensity for bunching rhizomes: every rhizome normally branches into a couple of rhizomes, every one of which branches into a couple once more. Monopodial alludes to the running rhizome which comprises of a primary pivot from which branches emerge each in turn. Afterward (McClure. 1966) the over two terms were surrendered for pachymorph and leptomorph: the primary alludes to the short. Thick state of the clustering rhizome while the later depicts the long, slim state of a running rhizome. The two sets of terms portray a portion of the highlights of the two rhizome types yet I like to utilize the words clamper and sprinter. A running bamboo has the capacity of spreading quickly. It can likewise get sustenance starting from the earliest stage some good ways from its culms. Under great developing conditions the sprinter planted as a fancy can turn into an issue, developing into a yard. a bloom bed or a neighbors yard. The c1umpers are all the more polite as they can just spread gradually from the edge of the cluster. By and large the cluster breadth will be no more prominent than around 10 or 15 ft. after numerous years. In most genera of bamboos the entirety of the species are either clumpers or sprinters. Most clumpers are tropical or subtropical plants that are harmed by temperatures underneath about 15â ° F, while most sprinters can withstand colder temperatures. There are exemptions the two most strong species developed in the U. S. Thamnocalamlls spathaceolls (Fran. ) Soder. and Sinarundinaria nitida (Mitf. ) Nakai are clustering bamboos The Branches Almost all bamboos have at least one branches that develop from the culm hubs. In numerous species the lower hubs of huge culms stay branchless. The quantity of branches , their relative size and their arangement on the culm hub is a significant trademark for the ID of the variety and once in a while of the animal groups. Bamboo Branches The Leaves The bamboo leaf supplement comprises of two sections, the sheath and the cutting edge. The sheath folds over the stem to which it is connected at the sheath base. The inverse or distal finish of the sheath forms into the sharp edge which is frequently level and twisted away from the sheath and stem. Bamboos have two particular sorts of leaves. Culm leaves and foliage leaves. Culm leaves are connected at the base of their sheaths straightforwardly to culm hubs atthe sheath scar. The culm leaf sheath, which is typically huge contrasted with the cutting edge, serves to ensure the new culms as they develop during the terrific time of development. After the culm develops to its full stature the culm leaf dries and regularly fall soff. On the upper finish of the sheath on the two sides of the edge are two auricles. The fiber like hairs which reach out from the edges of the auricles are called oral setae. Reaching out up from the focal edge of the sheath is the ligule. The auricles and oral setae might be missing on certain species. Culm leaf cutting edges are bigger toward the upper finish of the culm. Close to the upper tip the leaves are like foliage leaves; the sharp edges stay green and endure long after the lower culm leaves have tumbled off. The culm leaf sheath is frequently just called the culm sheath or the sheath. Foliage leaves develop from branchlets. The cutting edges are commonly enormous contrasted with the sheaths which wrap firmly around the stems frequently covering the sheath above it. The foliage leaf cutting edge is ordinarily called essentially the leaf. Foliage leaves have ligules and frequently auricles and oral setae. The foliage leaf cutting edge is constantly appended to its sheath by a stem or petiole as opposed to the culm leaf edge which is frequently without a petiole. Foliage leaves drop off after around one year yet not until new leaves have developed to supplant them with the goal that the bamboos are commonly green all year. The leaves that develop from fundamental branches will in general take after culm leaves while those at the finishes of culms and branches are somewhere close to the two sorts. To recognize species one should see culm leaves that develop close to the center of enormous culms and at foliage leaves that develop from branchlets. Bamboo Leaves The Flowers The blossoming of bamboo plants happens at sporadic, frequently long stretches. Every species has its individual example; it might blossom consistently. yearly. at regular intervals. or then again at long stretches up to more than 100 years. The blossoms might be just a couple. spread one or a couple of culms or spread all culms of the species developing in a wide territory. With overwhelming blossoming vegetative development arrives at a virtual halt that may last from a couple of months to numerous years, after which the plant may gradually recoup its vegetative development or it might bite the dust. Each blossom doesn't deliver a seed and regularly plants will create a gigantic amount of blossoms and practically zero natural product. The historical backdrop of the blossoming ofPhylloslachys is given by Adamson et al. (978) for plants developed at the United States Barbour Lathrop Plant Introduction Garden at Savannah, Georgia (in the future called the Garden). Eighteen distinct increases speaking to 10 unique species bloomed somewhere in the range of 1951 and 1977. Of these, 8 increases kicked the bucket, 8 recuperated and two were all the while blooming in 1977. During this time the entirety of the increases ofP. niduariaâ flowered while a few increases of P. bambusoidesflowered and some didn't. Due to the uncommonness of blooming in many bamboos, one should regularly depend on the vegetative attributes to recognize species. At the point when a plant blossoms it frequently comes up short on the vegetative parts, for example, culm leaves which are basic for distinguishing proof. Now and again the vast majority of the foliage leaves tumble off of blossoming plants Characteristics: Bamboo is an appealing option for ground surface as a result of its physical likenesses to hardwoods. Bamboo floor makers and merchants advance its quality, toughness just as protection from bugs and dampness while having the additional advantage of being eco well disposed. The hardness of bamboo ranges from 1180 (carbonized level) to around 1380 (regular) utilizing the Janka hardness testâ versusâ red oakâ (1290),â white oakâ (1360),â rock mapleâ (1450), andhickory (1820),Brazilian Cherry/Jatoba (2350), (the higher the number the harder the material). Care and support: Bamboo is a forceful plant and will require general upkeep task consistently. Its practices are not quite the same as numerous other nursery plants. In this segment,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Itizenship participation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Itizenship cooperation - Essay Example The exploration on Niger Delta of Nigeria is significant in light of the fact that it shows how a portion of the global oil organizations misused Nigeria and denied them of their wealth. It likewise shows the reckless conduct these oil organizations as far as corporate social duty and their extravagance in the inside political issues of Nigeria. The primary thought of corporate social duty or CSR is to take up certain obligations towards the general public by the corporate world. In Nigeria the corporate networks consistently hole up behind the Nigerian government with regards to satisfy social duties. As a result of these oil organizations the vast majority of the earth has been dirtied. Huge numbers of the ethnic gatherings under the administration of universally known creator Ken Saro-Wiwa fought oil creation. With the assistance of Nigerian government the oil enterprises had the option to stifle the fights, which isn't to the greatest advantage of the residents of Nigeria. Rather than these hiccups its the same old thing for the oil organizations and Nigerian government due to the outside trade income. Since the residents didn't go under the partners list organizations overlooked their fights. CSR ought to consistently be a piece of corporate methodologies that shows social obligations are as significant as benefit ampli fication. Essentially executing the previously mentioned assignments are troublesome. The decimation of human rights by both the gatherings can be grumbled to the UN that takes some time. The Nigerian government must be mentioned in light of the fact that it's their interior issue and must be compelled to stop by created nations like US and Japan or UN. The main methodology can be through UN and cause the Nigerian government to understand that oil creation ought to be done inside eventual benefits of their residents and ought to force limitations that organizations like Shell utilize CSR exercises successfully in the Niger Delta. Offices The necessities for this task are effectively accessible. The necessities are having a PC with Internet, if not working in an Internet is additionally allowable. Ought to be capable write in gatherings or any blog locales about the barbarities done by the Nigerian government on their residents and the job of oil organizations. On the off chance that conceivable use print media to arrive at a large portion of the individuals. The most ideal approach to connect the individuals is to have a site on Niger Delta and put all the subtleties with photos that portray the poor states of the individuals and ecological risks brought about by the oil organizations. Spending plan 1. Counting PC the cost will be $500. 2. On the off chance that pc is avoided, at that point the spending will be around $250-$350. The assets haven't been procured at this point. The wellsprings of financing the undertaking are relied upon to be through NGO's and some beneficent
Friday, August 21, 2020
Profile of Serial Rapist and Killer Richard Ramirez, The Night Stalker
Profile of Serial Rapist and Killer Richard Ramirez, The Night Stalker Richard Ramirez, otherwise called Ricardo Leyva Muã ±oz Ramã rez, was a sequential attacker and executioner who worked in the Los Angeles and San Francisco regions from 1984 until his catch in August 1985. Named the Night Stalker by the news media, Ramirez was one of the most horrendous executioners in U.S. history. Early Life of Richard Ramirez Ricardo Leyva, otherwise called Richard Ramirez, was conceived in El Paso, Texas, on February 28, 1960, to Julian and Mercedes Ramirez. Richard was the most youthful offspring of six, epileptic, and depicted by his dad similar to a decent kid, until his inclusion with drugs. Ramirez appreciated his dad, yet at 12 years old, he found another saint, his cousin Mike, a Vietnam veteran and ex-Green Beret. Mike, home from Vietnam, shared abhorrent pictures of assault and human torment with Ramirez, who got captivated with the pictorial severity. The two hung out, smoking pot and discussing war. On one such day, Mikes spouse started to whine about her husbands apathy. Mikes response was to execute her by shooting her in the face, before Richard. He was condemned to seven years for the homicide Medications, Candy and Satanism: By the age of 18, Richard was a routine medication client and incessant sweets eater, bringing about tooth rot and outrageous halitosis. He likewise got associated with Satan revering and his general poor appearance improved his evil persona. As of now captured on various medication and robbery accusations, Ramirez chose to move to southern California. There he progressed from basic robbery to burglarizing homes. He turned out to be capable at it and in the long run began to wait in the homes of his casualties. On June 28, 1984, his thefts transformed into something far eviler. Ramirez entered through an opened window of Glassel Park occupant, Jennie Vincow, age 79. As indicated by Philip Carlos book, The Night Stalker, he lost control after not discovering anything of significant worth to take, and started cutting the resting Vincow, in the long run cutting her throat. The demonstration of executing stirred him explicitly, and he had intercourse with the body before leaving. Enjoyed Memories Fade: Ramirez stayed calm for eight months, yet the memory he relished of his last killing had run dry. He required more. On March 17, 1985, Ramirez bounced 22-year-old Angela Barrio outside her apartment suite. He shot her, showed her off the beaten path, and headed into her condominium. Inside, was herâ roommate, Dayle Okazaki, age 34, who Ramirez quickly shot and killed. Barrio stayed alive out of incredibly good karma. The projectile had ricocheted off the keys she grasped, as she lifted them to secure herself. Inside an hour of killing Okazaki, Ramirez struck again in Monterey Park. He bounced 30-year-old Tsai-Lian Yu and maneuvered her out of her vehicle onto the street. He shot a few slugs into her and fled. A police officer discovered her despite everything breathing, except she kicked the bucket before the rescue vehicle showed up. Ramirezs thirst was not extinguished. He at that point killed an eight-year-old young lady from Eagle Rock, only three days subsequent to killing Tsai-Lian Yu. Posthumous Mutilations Become His Mark: On March 27, Ramirez shot Vincent Zazarra, age 64, and his better half Maxine, age 44. Mrs. Zazzaras body was disfigured with a few cut injuries, a T-cutting to her left side bosom, and her eyes were gouged out. The examination established that the mutilations were posthumous. Ramirez left impressions in the blossom beds, which the police shot and cast. Projectiles found at the scene were coordinated to those found at past assaults, and the police understood a sequential executioner was free as a bird. Two months in the wake of killing the Zazzara couple, Ramirez assaulted once more. Harold Wu, age 66, was shot in the head, and his better half, Jean Wu, age 63, was punched, bound, and afterward savagely assaulted. For obscure reasons, Ramirez chose to allow her to live. Ramirezs assaults were currently in max speed. He deserted more pieces of information to his personality and was named, The Night Stalker, by the media. The individuals who endure his assaults furnished the police with a depiction - Hispanic, long dull hair, and putrid. Pentagrams Found at the Crime Scene: On May 29, 1985, Ramirez assaulted Malvial Keller, 83, and her invalid sister, Blanche Wolfe, 80, beating each with a mallet. Ramirez endeavored to assault Keller, however fizzled. Utilizing lipstick, he drew a pentagram on Kellers thigh and the divider in the room. Blanche endure the assault. The following day, Ruth Wilson, 41, was bound, assaulted, and sodomized by Ramirez, while her 12-year old child was secured a wardrobe. Ramirez cut Wilson once, and afterward bound her and her child together, and left. Ramirezs resembled a savage creature as he kept assaulting and executing all through 1985. The casualties included: June 27, 1985 - Ramirez assaulted a 6-year-old young lady in Acadia.June 28, 1985 - Patty Higgins, age 32, was beaten and her throat slit.July 2, 1985 - Mary Cannon, age 75, was beaten and her throat slit.July 5, 1985 - Deidre Palmer, age 16, endure being beaten with a tire iron.July 7, 1985 - Joyce Lucille Nelson, 61, was clubbed to death.July 7, 1985 - Linda Fortuna, 63, was assaulted and Ramirez attempted to assault her, however failed.July 20, 1985 - Maxson Kneiling, 66, and his better half Lela, additionally 66, were shot and their cadavers, mutilated.July 20, 1985 - Chitat Assawahem, 31, was shot and his significant other Sakima, 29, was beaten at that point compelled to perform oral sex. Ramirez then gathered $30,000 in assets, yet before leaving, he sodomized the couples eight-year-old son.August 6, 1985 - Ramirez shot both Christopher Petersen, 38, and his better half, Virginia, 27, in the head. Both by one way or another survived.August 8, 1985 - Ramirez shot Ahmed Zia, 35, and assaulted and sodomized his significant other, Suu Kyi, 28, and constrained her to perform oral sex on him. Bill Carns and Inez Erickson On Aug. 24, 1985, Ramirez voyaged 50 miles south of Los Angeles and broke into the home of Bill Carns, 29, and his fiancã ©e, Inez Erickson, 27. Ramirez shot Carns in the head and assaulted Erickson. He requested she swear her affection for Satan and a while later, constrained her to perform oral sex on him. He then tied her and left. Erickson battled to the window and saw the vehicle Ramirez was driving. A young person recorded the tag number of a similar vehicle, in the wake of seeing it cruising dubiously in the area. The data from Erickson and the youngster empowered police to find the relinquished vehicle and get fingerprints from inside. A PC coordinate was made of the prints, and ID of the Night Stalker got known. On August 30, 1985, the capture warrant for Richard Ramirez was given and his image discharged to general society. Next The End of the Night Stalker - Richard Ramirezâ Sources Carlo, Philip. The Night Stalker: The Life and Crimes of Richard Ramirez. Reproduce version, Citadel, August 30, 2016. Bunny, Robert D. Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us. 1 version, The Guilford Press, January 8, 1999.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
In What Ways did the English Colonies Differ from the Spanish and French Colonies - 1100 Words
In What Ways did the English Colonies Differ from the Spanish and French Colonies? (Essay Sample) Content: Name Instructor Class Date In What Ways did the English Colonies Differ from the Spanish and French Colonies? English and Spanish and French colonies significantly differed in several ways. There were several grounds on which the colonies differed. Some of these grounds include the nature of the communities that the settlers first encountered, religious faith, sponsorship for the colonies, and whether settlers were families or single men. English differed from the Spanish and French colonies in four main ways, which are described below. First, the colonies differed on the basis of the kind of communities the two colonial powers initially encountered. On one hand, Spanish conquistadors found townships in the Caribbean and densely populated urban centers in Mexico and Peru (Seed 3; Suranyi 87). The initial Spaniards were mostly single men who were interested in personal gains. Their plans were to amass wealth and return home. They hoped to achieve this by using Native A mericans as slaves who would provide labor in their farms, as well as extraction of metals and other raw materials. On the other hand, the English initially arrived at less densely populated areas. In those areas, native populations had been greatly diminished by diseases (Suranyi 87-88). The English were aware that it would be impossible to institute extensive slavery of the natives. Unlike the Spanish who were single individuals, the English also consisted of families that had servants that intended to have their own land for farming (Seed 11-15). The colonizers were unable to fulfill their wishes for bountiful crop production and gold. The reason is that their colonized territories had few precious metal deposits and the climate was unsuitable for plentiful crop production. However, southern colonies (Virginia, the Caribbean, British Guiana, and Belize) had relatively suitable climatic conditions that could support plenty harvests (Hart 104-108; Suranyi 87-88). Second, there wer e significant differences between English and Spanish in relation to racial discrimination. English colonies had widespread racial discrimination, unlike Spanish colonies. There was a serious tendency in English colonies to separate whites from blacks or natives. However, among Spanish and French colonies separation on the basis of skin color was not observed (Hart 104-105). In fact, there was a considerable blending of Spaniards and the natives. There was a very little likelihood of this occurring in English colonies. People of different colors interacted to the extent that intermarriage was comparatively disregarded. The reason for this difference was that whereas the Spanish most arrived as single men, the English mostly arrived as families. In addition, the Catholic French and Spanish religious beliefs held that people needed to exercise spiritual free will (Bulliet et al. 415, 417). As a result, the French and the Spanish encouraged Native Americans to be converted and subsequ ently go to church, where they would start interacting with the European settlers. Contrary to this religious view, Protestants (mainly Calvinists), â€Å"believed that spiritual grace came solely as God’s gift and could not be influenced by human will or actions†(Suranyi 90). Consequently, the English did not have any motivation or drive to pursue widespread conversions or welcoming natives into the Christianity community. Most of those who were converted had been influenced by declining populations due to diseases and those weak groups that had been discouraged in fighting the English. Such Indians concentrated in â€Å"praying towns†where they embraced Christianity and English culture, with some aspects of native governance. Following the English warfare with the Indians in the 1670s, the praying towns disappeared (Suranyi 90-91). Third, Spanish colonies were not sponsored like English colonies. Most of the English colonies were sponsored by noble patrons o r guaranteed by joint-stock companies with many investors. The investors did not immigrate in person. Some examples of companies in this category include Virginia Company, the Massachusetts Bay Company, and Somers Isles Company in the Caribbean. The investors would have shared dividends in the event of success and shared risk when a failure occurred. From the perspective of the settlers, the endeavor provided financial resources for immigration and for obtaining tools, seed, and equipment for farming. The enterprise received legitimacy through a royal charter, with capitalist investors with large shares being members of the boards of directors. The board directors were the decision-making organ that determined the direction that the colonies would take. The board required that individual settlers sign to the undertaking. The sponsoring companies made publications in praise of wealth, healthiness, and productivity of the new farmlands. They used conversion of Indians as a cover story to justify their exploits overseas. The fact was that English colonies did not do much towards conversion, although there a few individuals who expended some efforts to convert natives (Bulliet et al. 415-416; Suranyi 87-90). Third, French colonies were more peaceful than English colonies. In French colonies, French relations with Indians were more peaceful than those of the English with the colonies. Two reasons might be advanced to explain this. First, French colonies were characterized by mutually beneficial trade, unlike the English colonies. English colonies were characterized by extensive settlements or production plantation that used forced native labor. Second, French colonies might have been more peaceful than their English counterparts ...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Return to Federalism Research Paper - 3772 Words
Annie Reynolds Return to Federalism Push Back Against the Expansion of Federal Government Power In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. - Thomas Jefferson Summary Over the past several decades, we as a people have allowed the fundamental principles written in our Constitution to be forgotten, distorted, or completely ignored. This did not happen overnight but rather bit-by-bit over time until we are faced with a system of government that is not, as the founders intended, based on Federalism and individual freedom, but rather a National system far removed from the principles for which†¦show more content†¦During the ratification debates for the Constitution it become apparent to many that the principle of federalism was not spelled out strongly enough. Five states insisted on an amendment to the Constitution that would make the principle of federalism clear to future generations. The purpose of the Tenth Amendment is to clearly define the principle of federalism for future generations. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states, â€Å"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people†. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Obama Care At present, more than half of the United States is suing the federal government over Obama Care. Virginia was the first state to argue in Federal Court that the new health care law and its individual mandate is unconstitutional. It is Virginia’s position that mandating the purchase of a private product goes beyond the power of congress. There has never, in the history of the United States, been a law requiring citizens to purchase a product. Apparently, up until this point, everyone knew that Congress did not have the power to impose one. Central to the argument of the federal government, is the Commerce Clause of theShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Unitary And Federal System1524 Words  | 7 PagesResearch Paper: Federalism Usually people tend to take governmental institutions in account only at national levels. However, it is important to have a look at the lower levels as well, specifically at state or provincial levels. The major distinctions that can be made are between unitary and federal systems. Only the central government has the constitutional sovereignty and power in unitary system. The central government shares that constitutional sovereignty and power in subdivisions called, statesRead MoreNegative Effects Of Federalism And Free Speech1838 Words  | 8 Pagespositives and negatives that accompany them. In this paper I will talk about and assessing positive and negative effects in which federalism, social liberties and common freedoms have on free speech. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Porphyrias Lover by Robert Browning and Too Bad written by Carol Ann Duffy Essay Example For Students
Porphyrias Lover by Robert Browning and Too Bad written by Carol Ann Duffy Essay Within the poems Porphyrias Lover by Robert Browning and Too Bad by Carol Ann Duffy, are both written from a first persons prospective. This allows us to compare and contrast the presentation of the diseased minds in both poems. The subject of dramatic monologue is also present. Both poems are written two hundred years ago. Porphyrias Lover was introduced in the 19th century. We can understand that around this period of time melodrama was popular. Themes of death, love and passion were highly admired. In Porphyrias Lover Browning reflected society in his poem. Society was divided by social status. The upper class social status is perceived via their wealth and social respect. The middle class main characteristics are their professional standing in the fields, for example doctors and lawyers. The working class are perceived through their laid back behaviour and the underclass who are seen as the outcasts in the whole social system. In contrast to Duffy, she reflects society today. In Too Bad there is violence and gangs. There is a specific use guns. We can confirm that Duffy uses this type of weapon throughout the poem, as it is topical to what is happening in todays society. Violence and gun crimes have risen by 32%. Browning and Duffy both introduce their poems using the device of pathetic fallacy. This sets the tone and mood of the atmosphere. Browning conveys the turbulent state of the lover, by creating a vivid picture of the weather outside the cottage. We could suggest that in both poems the weather is reflective of the lovers and the assassins state of mind. The weather is used to create an atmosphere and mood within the poems. This gives a more visual image. Within the poems they concern many ideas, but primarily it could be seen to present a diseased mind in different forms. In Porphyrias Lover we could suggest that its a crime of passion. Whereas, Too Bad conveys that the assassin has planned and knows about the killing. This is murder! In Too Bad we can depict that by using the image, rain suggests a dark, cold, depressing mood. Browning elaborates the build up of anger in the line, the sullen wind was soon awake within the personification the line intensifies his sulky, sad mood. However the words, wind was soon awake develops a notion of fury in his mind as he waits for her. The atmosphere portrays a stronger impression of the assassins mind and thoughts. In contrast to Duffy, within her first stanza evokes a feel of coldness, a time of winter suggestive of when plants die. It also depicts a sense of the end of the year period. We could convey that it underlines possible death. However the specific use of, blue wet streets could be seen to describe a miserable atmosphere, unpleasantness and possibly a hostile environment of tension arising within the minds of the assassin. It also associates with the cold, calculating, and depressive personality of the assassin. Browning uses the language, vex this portrays a strong image of anger. Duffy writes, with our heads down which depicts that they dont want to be seen as on a mission to kill. We could suppose that the assassin has a diseased mind, as he knows hes going to commit this murder, we had a job to do. This shows that the assassin is doing it for the money. However the phrase, the barmaid caught my eye, conveys he wants to impress his friends, which depicts that he could be isolated and unsure about himself. The mention of the barmaid in the poem, could suggest that the assassin is showing negligence as hes going to commit murder, he should know to keep his identity low. This shows hes inexperienced. We could suggest that he could have had a dull life and now this, job is a form of excitement and indulgence. It could also be implied that it could inject the feeling of self-esteem. We find out that Porphyria is from a higher social status as she is described as having, cloak and shawl, and soiled gloves. From this we can deduce that in those days these items were highly expensive and only rich women could afford to possess these items. Browning states, she shut the cold out and the storm which evokes a sense of calm and tranquillity within the cottage. The line clarifies and highlights warmth and passion arising. Although when no voice replied suggests the assassin wants to retain some pride, which links to Too Bad as the murderer in the poem also wants to feel more self-esteem and to take more control. We can suggest that from comparing both poems, the assassin in Too Bad has less control over his life, where as in Porphyrias Lover he has more control over his life but he is controlled by the one he deeply loves as he waits for her. Porphyria gains more control as she seduces him. She made her smooth white shoulder bare. From this we can sustain that she uses her body to physically attract more attention so that she can take even more control over him. However in Too Bad there is a constant repetition of the word, we which suggests that the assassin does not have as much control. Although it depicts that he wants to be part of a unit, this shows hes insecure, lacking confidence. We can link this idea with Porphyrias Lover because of his low confidence, as he was not able to set any boundaries and therefore Porphyria gained more control and power over him. Although he thinks that Porphyria is too weak this highlights her feebleness and not having enough resolve, as shes not strong enough to leave him. We know that throughout both poems they have different motives. In Porphyrias Lover we can depict that the assassin had a kind of obsession over Porphyria. He wanted only her and no one else to have focussed on her. This shows jealously, he wants her to give herself to me forever. We can suggest that this evokes a sense of a diseased mind, as theres so much love for Porphyria, he cannot stand to see her with anyone but himself. This sustains the idea this was a crime of passion. However in Too Bad the motive is different. The assassin knows what hes going to do during the evening. The assassin conveys a target, we had a job to do. We can clarify this as evidence of the assassin knowing what hes going to do in a cold, calculating way. Browning sustains the mood of passion, as the assassin knows Porphyria wants him. Porphyria blanks everyone out, for a moment the assassin is the centre of her universe, thinking of nothing else but him. Browning elaborates the theme of control in the line, Porphyria worshipped me this conveys hes incontrol. Compare the poems "Long distance" and "My Grandmother" EssayIn Porphyrias Lover the line, I warily opened her lids again states that eyes mirror feelings. Hes trying to convince himself, she felt no pain. The line, laughed the blue eyes without a stain conveys that he is not being honest, its quieter, less violent a more sensual death. It shows feelings, touch and tactile. As he unwrapped her hair and starts to put colour back into her cheeks, her cheek once more blushed bright beneath my burning kiss. This conveys that he is not mentally in touch with himself. This definitely presents a diseased mind. We can suppose this because he expresses his emotions physically to a dead body, which is turning cold, pale and almost stiff. Also we get a stronger impression of a diseased mind in the line, I propped her head up, this time my shoulder bore her head. From this we can understand that hes thinking that now he has complete control over her and this happens only when she is dead! We can see this as before, she put my arm about her waist conveys how Porphyria had control over him but now the control was back with him. We could suggest that it presents role reversal. After the murder both poems show different attitudes of the main protagonists. In Too Bad it is evident that the assassin will be in, a safe house, where he will be looked after and food and drink will also be given. He walks away singing, hang down your head and cry. We can suppose that this song means that he knows hes done wrong but he needs to forget what has happened and move on. We can suggest that it seems as though the method of killing is going to continue which shows the hardness of the killer. In comparison to Porphyrias Lover we see a different attitude. The phrase, Porphyrias Love conveys that the dropping of the, r suggests that Porphyria died loving only one person. She wanted him exclusively, blanking out everyone else. Although the Lover tries to justify himself in the line, her darling one whish would be heard. This shows us how diseased his mind is, because he feels that he has given her what she wanted in his mind. However the notion of diseased mind develops in the line, and thus we sit together now. We can suppose that he spends the night sitting with a corpse, rigid, cold dead body! This could be reflective to the kind of person he is. Also Browning reinforces the idea of diseased mind, yet God has not said a word. From this we can convey that he does not feel guilty after committing the murder. He tries to justify it. Why has God not reacted to the murder? He feels that if he had done wrong then God would have shown anger and displeasure in some way. He tries to convey that God is on his side and the fact that God agrees with him! He is severely diseased. In conclusion, I feel that in Brownings Porphyrias Lover it presents a more diseased mind than Too Bad. In Porphyrias Lover the speaker gives his justifications for killing his lover. However he does not feel guilty after committing the murder. He shows state of denial. He cannot face what he has done, therefore he argues with his moral conscious. In my opinion I believe that he winds her hair around her neck three times, which is a number that symbolically represents evil. I feel that Porphyrias Lover is severely depressed. He feels that his wife will never be any better than it is at this moment and through this he justifies killing Porphyria. It could be seen that he kills her to capture this moment and nothing will ever change. However I find this poem to be extremely disturbing. Porphyrias Lover or should we call him her killer, is a demented man with severe issues to deal with. I can suppose that when he mentions, God I dont feel that he thinks hes better than God. He isnt even searching for a specific reason. I doubt that he even believes in God. I think this because sometimes people who are lonely and living in poor conditions always seem to have a negative opinion about God. I think that he is trying to justify what he has done. If he can convince himself that God didnt become angered by his actions, then he can come to a conclusion that what he has done is acceptable. Porphyrias Lover is a strange poem about an insane individual. He does not feel sorry for what he has done and actually even feels that, the outcome is what Porphyria would have desired. We can state that the killer has an obvious sickness. The word Porphyria refers to a diseased mind and we should not over look the fact that she is his disease! Her killed her because he was obsessed and lonely. He wanted control over her that he didnt have at the beginning of the poem. This is insane itself! To kill someone you love and admire greatly because you want control over them implies serious mental problems! He wanted her forever, it was the love that he thought he felt from her at that specific moment to cherish. There is no real evidence they had a solid, serious relationship. The whole poem is told from his point of view and we dont actually see what she thinks.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Management of SMEs Kapai Case Study Analysis Essay Example
Management of SMEs: Kapai Case Study Analysis Essay James and Justine were intent NT on establishing a business concept that reached far beyond the confines of a traditional salad bar, and they were determined to develop their business as a leading nationwide retailer of health why fast food. Drawing on their love of New Zealand and their proud kiwi heritage, James and Justine wanted the concept to be uniquely kiwi, incorporating as much as they could into their business idea Developing the correct product has been critical to the success of Kappa. Jam sees and Justine have been keen to capitalism on the growing health and wellness trends Of consumers an d create a range of menu items that differentiates from the typical fast-food products that are alarm dead in the industry such as burgers, fries and pizzas etc. To get Kappa off the ground both men have taken separate roles within man king the business. James is currently working full-time as the General Manager running the off-site kick en whilst Justine is currently employed full-time job as a practicing lawyer and works as Business Development Manager part-time in the evenings. We will write a custom essay sample on Management of SMEs: Kapai Case Study Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Management of SMEs: Kapai Case Study Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Management of SMEs: Kapai Case Study Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Kappa is currently experiencing issues with regards to aligning their growth, ma reeking, and organizational strategies in line with their existing business plan. These issue s have been identified through internal and external analysis of the company and its external environ meet. Using a SOOT analysis and Porters Five Forces, this report will aim to illustrates e these issues providing an in depth analysis and discussion on the companys core competencies and areas of concern. Discussion is also centered around the company s business level strategies, star structure, and control systems to create a bigger picture of where alterations need to be made. Race emendations are provided at the end of this report with suggestions for improvements and chaw Eng. Page 3 2 Internal Analysis This report begins with an internal analysis of Kappa using the SOOT method t o identify the Meanys strengths and weaknesses with regards to how the company is pop aerating within its core environment. 2. 1 Strengths 2. 1. Early-Mover Advantage Kappa has the competitive advantage of being an early-mover within the health why alternative fast-food market. As discussed by Historic, Peters, Shepherd (2011), early or first-move errs within a market have the benefits of cost advantage, less competitive rivalry, securing imports NT channels, are better positioned to satisfy customers and are able to gain expertise through paretic potion. By recognizing this gap in the market and the gro wing consumer trend towards healthy eaten , Kappa has been able to differentiate and position itself as a leading healthy alternative within the Wellington region. With the growing number of stores Kappa has opened over the last seven year s, the company achieves cost advantages as it moves down the experience curve allowing the company y to achieve greater economies of scale. Apart from the likes of Subway who holds considerable s hare within the market, Kappa faces less competitive rivalry from chained incumbents such as McDonald Ids, Burger King and KEF etc. Who are yet to compete for considerable share within this space. Kappa h s also developed strong relationships with its suppliers especially with the likes of Potato an d its fruit juice provider; who both emboss Kappas logo on their packaging and have tailored products specifically to meet the needs of Kappa. This first-mover advantage allows Kappa to gain considerable expertise in this space as it learns, grows, and improves its strategies within this growing market. 2. 1. 2 Menu Design Range With its diverse array of salads, wraps, baked potatoes, soups and smoothies etc. Kappa has designed its menu to target the growing health and wellness segment within the fast-of d industry. Page 4 Compared to the majority of competitors such as McDonalds, KEF, Burger Kin g etc. , Kappa offers a distinctive alternative to traditional fast-food items like burgers and fries with creative salad options that customers can mix and match to create their own. Salads can also be up graded to Puke or Long John allowing customers to have salads in a wrap or toasted flattered. All food produce is sourced in New Zealand from local growers and is of the highest standard an d quality. These nutritious menu options provide a unique point of difference for Kappa allowing the company to et the needs of consumers wanting healthy fast-food alternatives. 2. 1. 3 Financial Management Kappas financial management strategy has proven to be effective. With the pr Mary investment to fund the initial start-up coming from James and Justine own savings albeit wit h the help of non smaller investors, James and Justine have successfully managed Kappas finance s to avoid any cash flow issues. Operational assumptions and forecasting outlined in the original busing sees plan have provided strong direction allowing both owners to re-invest the majority of profits earn deed to sufficiently fund Roth of the business and the opening of additional stores in the Wellington region. 2. 1. 4 Kappa Brand Significant effort has been made towards developing and creating a distinct N ewe Zealand identity in order to distinguish the Kappa brand against other retail competitors within the e fast-food industry. This has involved incorporating unique kiwi elements within the brand such a s the Maori term Kappa as the company name; use of the koru within the compass logo; the use of Maori proverbs and quotes as wall and cabinet art within the stores; building on the environment al image of New Zealand tit biodegradable packaging, and subtle greens and browns in the styling of stores and uniforms for staff. By carefully choosing each of these elements to reinforce and represent the b rand, Kappa has aimed to achieve a unique point Of difference within the fast-food industry, ultimate y building strong brand equity. 2. 1. Social Consciousness and Environmental Responsibility With todays consumers concerned about their health and well being, and the growing shift towards tackling obesity within society, Kappa has recognized this need and positioned itself as an alternative page 5 provider of healthy fast food. This strategy towards social consciousness not only includes providing healthy meals a t an affordable price to consumers, but also supporting the WI deer community by purchasing produce through local food producers; focusing on positive employ Yemen strategies for their staff and donating a percentage Of profits to local ventures. Latest research also indicates a rapidly growing trend in consumer attitudes t awards sustain ability and environmental responsibility. This is an important element of the Kappa p hilltops to ensure that all activities are undertaken to make as small as impact as impossible on he environment. Such activities include having biodegradable packaging, recycling, adopting a zero- waste policy and using environmentally friendly cleaning products to lessen their impact. Combined together, these strategies provide valuable competitive advantage for Kappa. 2. 1. 6 Organizational Design Informal Structure Having a strong organizational culture is key to promoting and delivering the right identity in line with the Kappa brand and its values. As discussed by Historic teal (2011), culture WI thin an organization is described as the informal Structure built around the mix Of people, their attitude sees, personalities, characters, skills, and abilities within the organization. Attaining the right mix of people to create the desired culture (informal structure), is critical in achieving the objectives and g owls of the organization as set out in the business plan. This is evident in Kappas commitment to attract the right staff for the company y who are Young, vibrant, into healthy food and the outdoors. Although this was a challenge at first with turnover relatively high, the majority Of new employees are found through word Of MO HTH from existing staff members who consider Kappa as a great place to work. Attracting these people shows strength in Kappas cultural philosophy within t he organization. 2. 2 Weaknesses 2. 2. 1 Marketing Analysis of the Kappa marketing mix identifies issues regarding the companies advertising and promotional strategies (Appendix 1). Although management feel that they ca n achieve maximum exposure for the company through the use Of guerrilla advertising tactics and unpaid public relations page 6 activities, there is questionable debate as to whether these actions alone, are enough to achieve maximum awareness in order to grow the brand. Market trends obtained from Remuneration (2012) indicate high levels of prom action throughout the fast food sector, especially from leading chained players; such activities include e extensive promotional campaigns through print, online, Was and radio. There is also a growing interest in social media through channels such as Backbone, Twitter and Youth to cap true audiences and increase awareness. Although Kappa does have a company website and has adopted a social midi a approach through the use of Backbone, this does not appear to be enough to protect its existing ma reek.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Learn German Sentence Structure
Learn German Sentence Structure Knowing when to use the dative and accusative in a German sentence is a major hurdle for many students. Equally as important is the sentence structure when using the accusative and dative cases. Compared to English, there are more options, depending on your word choice. For instance, Im giving the mouse to the cat translates to Ich gebe die Maus zur Katze. (Maus is in the accusative, Katze is in the dative.) If you struggle with remembering which prepositions are dative or accusative, heres some good news. In some cases, like this one, you can omit the preposition altogether and still clearly express the intention of the sentence by using proper noun cases and word order. German Sentence Structure Without the preposition zur (zu der), you would write the sentence as follows:Ich gebe der Katze die Maus. (Katze is dative, Maus is accusative.)Or with a pronoun:Ich gebe ihr die Maus. ( Ihr is dative, Maus is accusative.)Ich gebe sie der Katze. (sie is accusative, Katze is dative.)Keep the following rules in mind when positioning your dative and accusative objects in a sentence: The dative object will always come before the accusative object.If the accusative object is a pronoun, it will always be before the dative object. Applying these rules with the correct grammatical case endings is essential. It will help avoid misconstrued sentences, such as Ich gebe der Maus die Katze. Unless, of course, you really did mean to say that you wanted to give the cat to the mouse. A few more examples: Gib dem Hasen die Karotte. (Give the bunny the carrot.) Gib ihr die Karotte. (Give her the carrot.) Gib es ihr. (Give it to her.) Refresher on German Noun Cases Before even worrying about the order of a sentence, make sure you know your noun cases. Heres a rundown on the four German noun cases.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Week 4 - Essay Example One similar account of affair was seen in the early 21st century when Iraq was invaded for the core reason for enacting the long lost and long deprived democracy from its people. This version of the democratic peace theory is relatively aggressive in its outlook. This version can be termed as the amalgamation and the outlook of the recent political events and progress. The engagement of war based on the claim of democracy is often seen as the paradox, however one of the three prominent versions of peace theory. The global order is advocated for in the form of democracy prevailing even if it required aggressive means adoption. The second version of this theory stresses upon the economic aspect equality and balancing. This form does not include direct confrontation or any measures that are otherwise taken for the purpose of democratic enactment. This version of theory is considered to be closer to the original theme that was introduced as an alternative to the other theories that advocated war offensives and other extreme measures. The third version of this theory is related to the international relations enactment. Although the aim is to ensure democratic setups, yet mutual cooperation and mutual co existence are two of the factors and variables that are stressed for in this version. The collective aims under this doctrine include poverty eradication, economic prosperity, respecting sovereignty and fighting all other ills and evils that are faced by the modern world (Zimelis). The version pertaining to the global community based on mutual cooperation and respecting one another’s sovereignty amounts to the more relevant and most likely implementable form of democratic peace theory. The theory is compelling based on the fact that the world has seen different other forms of ideologies yet the injustice, inequality and the oppression of the mighty against the weak has not stopped and is still in practice. As a result and
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Educational Loans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Educational Loans - Essay Example To support my college expenses my plan is to obtain influx of cash to cover my educational expenses. The influx of cash to support all expenses include savings, work income, scholarships, and student loans. My college fund entering college is $20,000 from savings and family contributions. The $20,000 will be divided into $5,000 for each college year to cover expenses. My expected net income from work on a 20 hour part time job at $8 is $7,482 yearly. My scholarships are expected to be $7,500 per year. I plan on mortgaging my future by requesting student loans. My student loan debt will be $18,500 per year. The total yearly influx of cash towards my college education is $38,482.Tuition costs are the largest cost factor of the educational budget. The yearly tuition cost is $23,000 per year. For the four year term of the bachelor's the total tuition is $92,000. Each year I will spend about $1,000 on books and supplies. After four years my total costs on books will amount to $4,000. Room & Board will account to $6,000 per year for a grand total of $24,000 after four years. To reduce transportation costs instead of paying a for a new car I will purchase a $3,000 used car. Insurance costs amount to $1,000 per year. Flight time, exams, and certificates total $2,000. My total yearly expenses on my college education are $37,000. Since my inflows of cash total $38,482 my yearly budget has a surplus of $1,482. The total costs of my education to complete the bachelor's degree is $139,000.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Israeli Wars from 1948 to Present Essay Example for Free
Israeli Wars from 1948 to Present Essay The 1948 War of Independence, which took place between November 1947 and July 1949, was started by a 6 month civil war between Jewish and Arab militias at the end of the British mandate of Palestine. This turned into a regular war after the declaration of Independence and the intervention of several Arab armies. The five surrounding Arab nations i. e. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon with support from Saudi Arabia launched a coordinated attack on Israel from the land, sea and air. These countries were urged on by their leaders who assured them that they could return after all Jews had been driven out (Eisenberg 147). The Jews were, however, able to defeat Arab armies resulting in an armistice that was signed in 1949 signaling an end to the conflict. The Armistice agreements were signed between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. They established the armistice lines between Israel and the West Bank also known as the Green line. The Sinai War of 29th October 1956 involved a military attack on Egypt by Britain, France and Israel. Israeli troops invaded Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and quickly overcame opposition as they raced for the Suez Canal. Britain and France offered to temporarily occupy the Canal Zone and suggested a 10 mile buffer on either side to separate Egyptian forces from the Israelis. Egyptian President Nasser objected and on 31st October 1956, Egypt was attacked by Britain and France. Consequently, the Soviet Union threatened to attack on Egypt’s behalf but it took the intervention of U. S. President Eisenhower to get them to agree to a ceasefire. The war itself lasted for only a week with invading forces withdrawn within a month. The Six Day War took place in June 1967. It was fought between June 5th and June 10th. The war was against Syria, Jordan and Egypt as Israel believed that it was only a matter of time before the three Arab states attacked her. After the 1956 crisis, the United Nations (UN) had established a military presence in the Middle East but in 1967, Egypt made it clear that the UN was unwanted in the region. Israel viewed this as a sign that Egypt was preparing to attack and rather than wait to be hit, they launched a hugely successful military campaign against its perceived enemies. Following the war, the territory held by Israel expanded significantly and it now included the West Bank, Sinai, the Golan Heights and Gaza. The War of Attrition was a limited war that was fought between Israel and Egypt from 1967 to 1970. This war was initiated by Egyptians as a way of recapturing the Sinai from the Israelis who had been in control of the territory since the Six Day War. The Egyptian President believed that Israel would be unable to endure the economic burden and casualties of war. To this end, he ordered calibrated attacks on Israel which would not provoke an all out Israeli war response. The hostilities ended when a ceasefire was signed between the countries in 1970 with frontiers remaining in the same place as when the war began. The Yom Kippur War of 1973 is so called as it began on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the holiest day of prayer and fasting in the Jewish calendar. This war is variously referred to as the October War. It started with a surprise Arab attack on Israel knowing that the military would be participating in religious celebrations. Israeli forces were initially overwhelmed but by October 8th, bolstered by reserves, they counter attacked in the Sinai. They managed to push back the Egyptian military. The United Nations organized a ceasefire on October 24th and in September 1975, Egypt and Israel signed an interim agreement. Still, there were no significant territorial changes. The First Lebanon War began on 6th June 1982 when Israeli forces invaded Southern Lebanon. The government launched military operations after an assassination attempt against Israel’s ambassador to the U. K. by a mercenary organization opposed to the PLO. Israel then attacked the PLO as well as Syrian and Muslim Lebanese forces before they occupied Southern Lebanon. The war ended after three years in 1985 when Israel stabilized in the safety strap lengthwise along the border. The Second Lebanon War was sparked when Hezbollah guerillas ambushed an Israeli patrol on the border on July 12 2006. Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared his intention to free the captives and remove Hezbollah from Southern Lebanon forever and thus began an ultimately inconclusive month long war. During the short conflict, Israel lost 119 soldiers and 43 civilians whilst Lebanese civilians bore the brunt of the war with more than 1000 killed. The UN Security Council unanimously approved UN Resolution 1701 on 11th August 2006 to end hostilities.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Suicide Essay -- essays research papers
Someone, somewhere, commits suicide every 18 minutes. You might never be able to tell who it will be, it could be the person sitting right next . Statistics reveal that approximately three million youths, between 12-18, have either thought about or attempted suicide in the past year. More than 1/3, actually succeeded. Only in the past two decades, have depression and suicide been taken seriously. Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood and thoughts. Depression affects the way a person eats and sleeps, feels about themselves, and the way they think of the things around them. It comes as no surprise to discover that adolescent depression is strongly linked to teen suicide. Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more deaths in youths aged 15 to 19 than cardiovascular diseas...
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Billy Prior-Character Study Essay
* Prior is introduced in chapter 5 and is portrayed as very defensive ‘he stares straight through you’ Pg 41. * Prior is a 22-year-old second lieutenant whose neurosis manifests itself, initially, through an inability to talk or remember the events, which have led to his breakdown. * His is of a working-class background but his mother has done her best to push her son up the social ladder, regardless whether this is best for him. * Billy’s mothers desire to better himself has resulted in a rebellious tendency to continually question authority which is shown in many of his dialogues with prior. * He is an inquisitive and intelligent man but because he ‘broke down’ he feels his courage failed him. * Prior has a flippant, cynical attitude and his discussions with rivers are frequently tinged with sarcasm both against rivers and his methods, and against the war in general * He describes his feelings at going into battle in sexual terms; his wartime nightmares and sexual dreams become confused and this brings on a sense of self-revulsion. This in turn, leads Prior further into depression. * Prior’s sexual frustrations are bound up with his war neurosis and his need to prove himself both as a soldier and a man. * Billy feels he has a duty to serve his country but on the other hand his ambitions preempt this duty as a reason to return to war. He clearly has a deep desire to return to the front and prove to himself that he is not a coward but this feeling is reserved a little by self-preservation * Prior hides his feelings and this is shown in his writing. He is at times is quite satirical â€Å"not tonight, Wilhelm. I’ve got a headache†? * On page 49 he shows a more aggressive side when he is very aggressive towards rivers * He develops a relationship with Sarah a ‘Geordie’ girl on pages 89+130 * Prior stood up Sarah in the book which she did not like but it was because he had got back late the previous night when on his last expedition with Sarah. * Billy begins to show his feelings on page 120 as he starts to open up a little more about his experiences. * â€Å"I wasn’t wearing the badge because I was with a girl†Pg.95 This shows how Prior is embarrassed about staying at Craiglockhart and shows his caring side. * â€Å"I find myself trying to impress you’ on page 64 this shows a more caring side to Billy Prior and more subtle side to him. This would also help the reader further empathise with prior. * On page 55 the reader gets to meet priors readers and it soon becomes clear that Billy does not get on well at all with his father â€Å"he seemed too have no feeling for his son except content†-â€Å"Must I? I’m not proud†This shows another side to prior and the lack of love he has felt whilst growing up. * By page 104 the hypnosis begins to work and gets to him and after a few meeting cry’s. Prior grabs Rivers by the arms and began butting him in the chest. Hard enough to hurt. This shows how Rivers touched a nerve in the hypnosis and bridges are finally being crossed. * On page 105 we get to find out about his war experiences. Prior is a complex and confused character, who is lost and desperately in need of help. It is only when he is finally prepared to admit this to himself that his road to recovery can begin.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Hawaii State Unit Study - Geography, State Symbols Facts
These state unit studies are designed to help children learn the geography of the United States and learn factual information about every state.ÃÆ'ƒÂ‚ÃÆ'‚ These studies are great for children in the public and private education system as well as homeschooled children. Print the United States Map and color each state as you study it. Keep map at the front of your notebook for use with each state. Print the State Information Sheet and fill in the information as you find it. Print the Hawaii State Map and fill in the state capital, large cities and state attractions that you find. Answer the following questions on lined paper in complete sentences. State Capital What is the capital?Virtual Walking TourState Flag What do the eight stripes of white, red, and blue represent?State Flower What is the state flower?Coloring pageState Bird What is the state bird and what does it like to eat?A close up of the State BirdState Fish What is the Hawaiian name for this fish?State Marine Mammal What is Hawaiis state marine mammal?Whale MazeState Tree What is the Hawaiian name and the common name of this tree?State Song Who wrote the state song?State Seal What was the phoenix a symbol of?Picture of state seal.Hawaiis Native Seal What does ilio-holo-i-ka-uaua mean?State Motto What is the state motto and what does it mean? Hawaii Printable Pages - Learn more about Hawaii with these printable worksheets and coloring pages. Hawaii State Symbols Quiz How much do you remember? Did You Know... List two interesting facts. Eight Major Islands - What are the eight major islands? Hawaiian Island Wordsearch Hawaiian Glossary - Learn some Hawaiian terms! Find Your Name in Hawaiian My name is Peweli (Beverly), whats yours? Interactive Hawaiian Dictionary Want to know how to say something in Hawaiian? Hula - Hawaiis Art and Soul Read about the Hula and listen to The Sounds of the Hula. The Big Luau - Read a brief history of the luau, the read da rules, then on to the menu Other Hawaiian Recipes Coloring Pages - Click on a picture to print and color! Wiki-Wiki Scavenger Hunt - Can you find the answers to the questions? (print out and include in notebook) Virtual Field Trips of Hawaii - Pick an island and choose where you want to go! Crossword Puzzle - Do this Hawaii crossword puzzle. Crossword Puzzle - Try your hand at this Marine Life Crossword Puzzle. The Hawaiian Tree Snail - Learn more and do an origami project. The Pacific Green Sea Turtle - Learn more and do an origami project; coloring page. Opihi - The Hawaiian Limpet - Learn more then enjoy these activities: Opihi Origami; Color An Opihi; Opihi Maze Pulelehua - Learn more then enjoy these activities: Make A Pulelehua Origami; Color A Pulelehua; Pulelehua Maze King Kamehameha - Learn about King Kamehameha; coloring page; crossword puzzle. Ocean Diorama - Print and fold marine wildlife and assemble an Ocean Diorama. Hawaii Quiz - How much do you know about Hawaii? Odd Hawaii Law: It used to be illegal to insert pennies is ones ears. Additional Resources: Introducing the email course Our 50 Great States! From Delaware to Hawaii, learn about all 50 states in the order they were admitted to the Union. At the end of 25 weeks (2 states per week), youll have a United States Notebook filled with information about each state; and, if youre up for the challenge, you will try recipes from all 50 states. Will you join me on the journey?
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