Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Return to Federalism Research Paper - 3772 Words
Annie Reynolds Return to Federalism Push Back Against the Expansion of Federal Government Power In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. - Thomas Jefferson Summary Over the past several decades, we as a people have allowed the fundamental principles written in our Constitution to be forgotten, distorted, or completely ignored. This did not happen overnight but rather bit-by-bit over time until we are faced with a system of government that is not, as the founders intended, based on Federalism and individual freedom, but rather a National system far removed from the principles for which†¦show more content†¦During the ratification debates for the Constitution it become apparent to many that the principle of federalism was not spelled out strongly enough. Five states insisted on an amendment to the Constitution that would make the principle of federalism clear to future generations. The purpose of the Tenth Amendment is to clearly define the principle of federalism for future generations. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states, â€Å"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people†. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Obama Care At present, more than half of the United States is suing the federal government over Obama Care. Virginia was the first state to argue in Federal Court that the new health care law and its individual mandate is unconstitutional. It is Virginia’s position that mandating the purchase of a private product goes beyond the power of congress. There has never, in the history of the United States, been a law requiring citizens to purchase a product. Apparently, up until this point, everyone knew that Congress did not have the power to impose one. Central to the argument of the federal government, is the Commerce Clause of theShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Unitary And Federal System1524 Words  | 7 PagesResearch Paper: Federalism Usually people tend to take governmental institutions in account only at national levels. However, it is important to have a look at the lower levels as well, specifically at state or provincial levels. The major distinctions that can be made are between unitary and federal systems. Only the central government has the constitutional sovereignty and power in unitary system. The central government shares that constitutional sovereignty and power in subdivisions called, statesRead MoreNegative Effects Of Federalism And Free Speech1838 Words  | 8 Pagespositives and negatives that accompany them. In this paper I will talk about and assessing positive and negative effects in which federalism, social liberties and common freedoms have on free speech. 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