Sunday, May 17, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Return to Federalism Research Paper - 3772 Words
Annie Reynolds Return to Federalism Push Back Against the Expansion of Federal Government Power In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. - Thomas Jefferson Summary Over the past several decades, we as a people have allowed the fundamental principles written in our Constitution to be forgotten, distorted, or completely ignored. This did not happen overnight but rather bit-by-bit over time until we are faced with a system of government that is not, as the founders intended, based on Federalism and individual freedom, but rather a National system far removed from the principles for which†¦show more content†¦During the ratification debates for the Constitution it become apparent to many that the principle of federalism was not spelled out strongly enough. Five states insisted on an amendment to the Constitution that would make the principle of federalism clear to future generations. The purpose of the Tenth Amendment is to clearly define the principle of federalism for future generations. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states, â€Å"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people†. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Obama Care At present, more than half of the United States is suing the federal government over Obama Care. Virginia was the first state to argue in Federal Court that the new health care law and its individual mandate is unconstitutional. It is Virginia’s position that mandating the purchase of a private product goes beyond the power of congress. There has never, in the history of the United States, been a law requiring citizens to purchase a product. Apparently, up until this point, everyone knew that Congress did not have the power to impose one. Central to the argument of the federal government, is the Commerce Clause of theShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Unitary And Federal System1524 Words  | 7 PagesResearch Paper: Federalism Usually people tend to take governmental institutions in account only at national levels. However, it is important to have a look at the lower levels as well, specifically at state or provincial levels. The major distinctions that can be made are between unitary and federal systems. Only the central government has the constitutional sovereignty and power in unitary system. The central government shares that constitutional sovereignty and power in subdivisions called, statesRead MoreNegative Effects Of Federalism And Free Speech1838 Words  | 8 Pagespositives and negatives that accompany them. In this paper I will talk about and assessing positive and negative effects in which federalism, social liberties and common freedoms have on free speech. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Porphyrias Lover by Robert Browning and Too Bad written by Carol Ann Duffy Essay Example For Students
Porphyrias Lover by Robert Browning and Too Bad written by Carol Ann Duffy Essay Within the poems Porphyrias Lover by Robert Browning and Too Bad by Carol Ann Duffy, are both written from a first persons prospective. This allows us to compare and contrast the presentation of the diseased minds in both poems. The subject of dramatic monologue is also present. Both poems are written two hundred years ago. Porphyrias Lover was introduced in the 19th century. We can understand that around this period of time melodrama was popular. Themes of death, love and passion were highly admired. In Porphyrias Lover Browning reflected society in his poem. Society was divided by social status. The upper class social status is perceived via their wealth and social respect. The middle class main characteristics are their professional standing in the fields, for example doctors and lawyers. The working class are perceived through their laid back behaviour and the underclass who are seen as the outcasts in the whole social system. In contrast to Duffy, she reflects society today. In Too Bad there is violence and gangs. There is a specific use guns. We can confirm that Duffy uses this type of weapon throughout the poem, as it is topical to what is happening in todays society. Violence and gun crimes have risen by 32%. Browning and Duffy both introduce their poems using the device of pathetic fallacy. This sets the tone and mood of the atmosphere. Browning conveys the turbulent state of the lover, by creating a vivid picture of the weather outside the cottage. We could suggest that in both poems the weather is reflective of the lovers and the assassins state of mind. The weather is used to create an atmosphere and mood within the poems. This gives a more visual image. Within the poems they concern many ideas, but primarily it could be seen to present a diseased mind in different forms. In Porphyrias Lover we could suggest that its a crime of passion. Whereas, Too Bad conveys that the assassin has planned and knows about the killing. This is murder! In Too Bad we can depict that by using the image, rain suggests a dark, cold, depressing mood. Browning elaborates the build up of anger in the line, the sullen wind was soon awake within the personification the line intensifies his sulky, sad mood. However the words, wind was soon awake develops a notion of fury in his mind as he waits for her. The atmosphere portrays a stronger impression of the assassins mind and thoughts. In contrast to Duffy, within her first stanza evokes a feel of coldness, a time of winter suggestive of when plants die. It also depicts a sense of the end of the year period. We could convey that it underlines possible death. However the specific use of, blue wet streets could be seen to describe a miserable atmosphere, unpleasantness and possibly a hostile environment of tension arising within the minds of the assassin. It also associates with the cold, calculating, and depressive personality of the assassin. Browning uses the language, vex this portrays a strong image of anger. Duffy writes, with our heads down which depicts that they dont want to be seen as on a mission to kill. We could suppose that the assassin has a diseased mind, as he knows hes going to commit this murder, we had a job to do. This shows that the assassin is doing it for the money. However the phrase, the barmaid caught my eye, conveys he wants to impress his friends, which depicts that he could be isolated and unsure about himself. The mention of the barmaid in the poem, could suggest that the assassin is showing negligence as hes going to commit murder, he should know to keep his identity low. This shows hes inexperienced. We could suggest that he could have had a dull life and now this, job is a form of excitement and indulgence. It could also be implied that it could inject the feeling of self-esteem. We find out that Porphyria is from a higher social status as she is described as having, cloak and shawl, and soiled gloves. From this we can deduce that in those days these items were highly expensive and only rich women could afford to possess these items. Browning states, she shut the cold out and the storm which evokes a sense of calm and tranquillity within the cottage. The line clarifies and highlights warmth and passion arising. Although when no voice replied suggests the assassin wants to retain some pride, which links to Too Bad as the murderer in the poem also wants to feel more self-esteem and to take more control. We can suggest that from comparing both poems, the assassin in Too Bad has less control over his life, where as in Porphyrias Lover he has more control over his life but he is controlled by the one he deeply loves as he waits for her. Porphyria gains more control as she seduces him. She made her smooth white shoulder bare. From this we can sustain that she uses her body to physically attract more attention so that she can take even more control over him. However in Too Bad there is a constant repetition of the word, we which suggests that the assassin does not have as much control. Although it depicts that he wants to be part of a unit, this shows hes insecure, lacking confidence. We can link this idea with Porphyrias Lover because of his low confidence, as he was not able to set any boundaries and therefore Porphyria gained more control and power over him. Although he thinks that Porphyria is too weak this highlights her feebleness and not having enough resolve, as shes not strong enough to leave him. We know that throughout both poems they have different motives. In Porphyrias Lover we can depict that the assassin had a kind of obsession over Porphyria. He wanted only her and no one else to have focussed on her. This shows jealously, he wants her to give herself to me forever. We can suggest that this evokes a sense of a diseased mind, as theres so much love for Porphyria, he cannot stand to see her with anyone but himself. This sustains the idea this was a crime of passion. However in Too Bad the motive is different. The assassin knows what hes going to do during the evening. The assassin conveys a target, we had a job to do. We can clarify this as evidence of the assassin knowing what hes going to do in a cold, calculating way. Browning sustains the mood of passion, as the assassin knows Porphyria wants him. Porphyria blanks everyone out, for a moment the assassin is the centre of her universe, thinking of nothing else but him. Browning elaborates the theme of control in the line, Porphyria worshipped me this conveys hes incontrol. Compare the poems "Long distance" and "My Grandmother" EssayIn Porphyrias Lover the line, I warily opened her lids again states that eyes mirror feelings. Hes trying to convince himself, she felt no pain. The line, laughed the blue eyes without a stain conveys that he is not being honest, its quieter, less violent a more sensual death. It shows feelings, touch and tactile. As he unwrapped her hair and starts to put colour back into her cheeks, her cheek once more blushed bright beneath my burning kiss. This conveys that he is not mentally in touch with himself. This definitely presents a diseased mind. We can suppose this because he expresses his emotions physically to a dead body, which is turning cold, pale and almost stiff. Also we get a stronger impression of a diseased mind in the line, I propped her head up, this time my shoulder bore her head. From this we can understand that hes thinking that now he has complete control over her and this happens only when she is dead! We can see this as before, she put my arm about her waist conveys how Porphyria had control over him but now the control was back with him. We could suggest that it presents role reversal. After the murder both poems show different attitudes of the main protagonists. In Too Bad it is evident that the assassin will be in, a safe house, where he will be looked after and food and drink will also be given. He walks away singing, hang down your head and cry. We can suppose that this song means that he knows hes done wrong but he needs to forget what has happened and move on. We can suggest that it seems as though the method of killing is going to continue which shows the hardness of the killer. In comparison to Porphyrias Lover we see a different attitude. The phrase, Porphyrias Love conveys that the dropping of the, r suggests that Porphyria died loving only one person. She wanted him exclusively, blanking out everyone else. Although the Lover tries to justify himself in the line, her darling one whish would be heard. This shows us how diseased his mind is, because he feels that he has given her what she wanted in his mind. However the notion of diseased mind develops in the line, and thus we sit together now. We can suppose that he spends the night sitting with a corpse, rigid, cold dead body! This could be reflective to the kind of person he is. Also Browning reinforces the idea of diseased mind, yet God has not said a word. From this we can convey that he does not feel guilty after committing the murder. He tries to justify it. Why has God not reacted to the murder? He feels that if he had done wrong then God would have shown anger and displeasure in some way. He tries to convey that God is on his side and the fact that God agrees with him! He is severely diseased. In conclusion, I feel that in Brownings Porphyrias Lover it presents a more diseased mind than Too Bad. In Porphyrias Lover the speaker gives his justifications for killing his lover. However he does not feel guilty after committing the murder. He shows state of denial. He cannot face what he has done, therefore he argues with his moral conscious. In my opinion I believe that he winds her hair around her neck three times, which is a number that symbolically represents evil. I feel that Porphyrias Lover is severely depressed. He feels that his wife will never be any better than it is at this moment and through this he justifies killing Porphyria. It could be seen that he kills her to capture this moment and nothing will ever change. However I find this poem to be extremely disturbing. Porphyrias Lover or should we call him her killer, is a demented man with severe issues to deal with. I can suppose that when he mentions, God I dont feel that he thinks hes better than God. He isnt even searching for a specific reason. I doubt that he even believes in God. I think this because sometimes people who are lonely and living in poor conditions always seem to have a negative opinion about God. I think that he is trying to justify what he has done. If he can convince himself that God didnt become angered by his actions, then he can come to a conclusion that what he has done is acceptable. Porphyrias Lover is a strange poem about an insane individual. He does not feel sorry for what he has done and actually even feels that, the outcome is what Porphyria would have desired. We can state that the killer has an obvious sickness. The word Porphyria refers to a diseased mind and we should not over look the fact that she is his disease! Her killed her because he was obsessed and lonely. He wanted control over her that he didnt have at the beginning of the poem. This is insane itself! To kill someone you love and admire greatly because you want control over them implies serious mental problems! He wanted her forever, it was the love that he thought he felt from her at that specific moment to cherish. There is no real evidence they had a solid, serious relationship. The whole poem is told from his point of view and we dont actually see what she thinks.
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